symmetrical duplication doesn’t include side prefix when configuring custom joints names
when I manually define them, side’s prefixes are tangling after duplication
If I recall correctly it does it to some extent. But depending on how you format it. But true it is a known limitation.
I will review that in the future
Hello ! Just to give a little fix, here is a script that will replace left by right on joint names of your controls.
Just select the top parent of your side (i.e. shoulder), and execute this script :
import maya.cmds as cmds
sel =
childs = cmds.listRelatives(sel, allDescendents=True, fullPath=True)
sides = ["L_", "R_"]
for child in childs:
if cmds.attributeQuery( 'joint_names', node=child, exists=True):
value = cmds.getAttr(f"{child}.joint_names")
cmds.setAttr(f"{child}.joint_names", value.replace(sides[0],sides[1]), type="string" )
You can write what you want inside the value sides
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