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Maya 2024 Looks Promising. Will mGear be available for it like previous versions?

A lot of new nodes and features coming for maya 2024

will mGear be released for maya 2024 and will rigs made in previous versions of maya work in 2024? I don’t mean just made with mGear but in general.

Thanks guys! I’m excited for the layered skin clusters!

First I need to compile the solvers but also It looks like they have removed Pymel from the installer.
Here are the instructions to install it now:


I need to check how to make the installation of pymel automatically

I have installed pymel on Maya 2024 and now Maya is not starting. If I remove pymel , Maya starts again.
I wonder if is my machine?
If someone succeeds to install pymel on win10 please let me know

I’ll ask around and see if someone gets pyMel to work on maya 2024.

The only post on autodesk forums I can find is this. But I’m not sure what the error is, if there is any.

Hey @Miquel. I spoke with a few others trying out Maya 2024 and they’re having pymel installation issues as well.

Here is a potential fix, though I’m not sure if this is up to Autodesk to fix or Luma Pictures to address.

Sorry I can’t do more. Maya 2024 just came out so I’m assuming problems are bound to happen.

This may help Miquel:


I believe that fix was described in the link I mentioned. However I have no confirmation if that works. Or if it’s required to have had a previous version of maya already installed or not. I’m getting the suspicion that pyMel may not be maintained anymore since the last commit was from 2021. You can check here https://github.com/LumaPictures/pymel. I’m not sure how that’s going to affect mGear’s development but I’m just speculating.

Ah yes, I saw that your link was to the Autodesk Community so assumed it was a different solution :wink:

Yeah, I hope pyMel continues, it would be a real shame to lose it.

I would hope so to since no pyMel means no mGear.

No Pymel means mGear refactor :wink:
That is something I was planning for mGear 5.0 but maybe now will be before that version.

Refractor meaning all the code has to change including all the shifter components :frowning: ?

Would you guys need help with something like that? Over the last year I’ve learned the mGear api to make a lot of custom shifter components, including a new shifter core class to include usage of some of the other solvers. I’ve also started to write my own c++ solver to use in shifter.

In the meantime, I’ll keep poking my nose around to try and see if I can get pyMel to work on 2024. Maybe help kick the can down the road a little bit longer to allow mGear to adjust if need be.

I have manage to make pymel load in Maya 2024.
Copied from Maya 2023 and duplicated/renamed some of the modules cache folder for Maya 2024
Still need to compile the solvers and test more carefully
@dew Thanks for the help offer. For the moment I am considering all the options. But the idea is to create a wrapper to replace pymel but matching the syntax as much as possible, so not too much refactor is needed.

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Hey good to see it in the new maya! If you ever need any help with mGear dev stuff please don’t be afraid to reach out. I’ve come a long way with maya API and shifter.


@Miquel, when do you think mGear for maya 2024 will be available? I’ve seen you’ve managed to load it, it would help a lot if you could write some instructions on how to do it ourselves. Thank you

Not sure yet. I am waiting to see how the situation evolves from Autodesk.
For the moment there is an “official” request from Autodesk to Pymel dev to fix this:

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I’m talking to someone from Luma, they’re going to ask the dev’s hopefully by Monday.


@Miquel Hey I spoke with someone from Luma about pyMel. It looks like someone from the dev team is working on it for 2024 so it can install properly. However. It will no longer be bundled with Maya directly. You’ll have to just install it via pip installation. They mentioned this may hurt pyMel’s visibility but they’re okay with that since they don’t want to be tied to Maya development.

I hope that clears things up.

Thanks for the info @dew
One option is to vendor pymel with mgear and install it automatically when it is missing from the system :slight_smile:

Can we post a walkthrough on how to install mgear for maya 2024? I installed pymel but mgear still will not pop up.

@Miquel hey if you look in the https://github.com/LumaPictures/pymel you will see maya 2024 listed, so it looks like the devs are working or have worked on it for a new push commit.