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Reset bind pose

I am trying to create a bent branch rig using chain_IK_spline_variable_FK_01 for it. I want to keep the mesh pose and use it for it. As joint chains don’t follow the guide placement, I move them to the ik controls using FK controls before skinning. I would like to know if it is possible to save these new transforms to bind pose or something, so the rig doesn’t destroy the mesh.
Thank you!

I don’t quite follow. Why would the rig destroy the mesh?

You said you move them before skinning. Can you show what the problem is? bindPose refers to the joints, but it sounds like you are trying to move controllers.

If you’re moving the FK controls directly, try moving the group above the FK controls instead, so the FK controls keep 0,0,0 values.

If you are trying to move the controls after skinning and the mesh is moving away from neutral, maybe consider using exportSkin, delete the skin, and importSkin to “reset” the skin. Just one idea.

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I just found out after posting that I can also create a npo group above the fk controls and move them instead.
However, it will still be interested if it is possible to override the bind pose with new values or does mgear uses maya inbuilt feature for that.

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Yes, I created npo groups and move them instead.

But again, are you talking about the bindPose of the skeleton? Or the neutral values of the rig controllers?

I don’t think there is any command to do that to the controllers. But you have all the Python commands.

  • Find the parent
  • Unlock the attributes
  • Query the world transforms of the moved controller.
  • Move the parent to the position of the controller
  • Move the controller back to 0,0,0

Or something like that.

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Yes, I was mainly looking for resetting the neutral values of the rig controllers. I know that mgear have two was setting the rig 1. through bind pose and 2. by restetting the value. I was kind of looking to reset the rig by resetting the bind pose and keeping the new values.
Yes, I skinned it after modifying the controls but didn’t test if it works.