This means any limbs that need tweaking to achieve crazy noddly poses, who need Rotations and Translations, not just Translations for Tweaks to achieve smooth deformations, are not exportable via FBX to game engines or anything. Example [the broken deformations become a lot worse when more ctrls are involved, this is a really gentle example, but things can look completely exploded into the stratosphere]:
What I do for the export atm is I duplicate the skeleton and create parent and scale constraints for every joint. It worked very well and cleanly so far. I will try to export in other ways. Meanwhile here’s an error I had after trying to export some exploded skinned mesh:
Non-orthogonal matrix support. One or more objects in the scene has local axes that are not perpendicular to each other (non-orthogonal). The FBX plug-in only supports orthogonal (or perpendicular) axes and will not correctly import or export any transformations that involve non-perpendicular local axes. This can create an inaccurate appearance with the affected objects [etc, all joints Below in hierarchy, so under the arm, so fingers and so on].
And yes, btw, I am forcing uniform scaling. It works fine for everything else, it doesn’t seem to work the same for Tweaks.