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Use_blade option in Mannequin_arm_01

I’ve run into an issue where when i uncheck the use blade option in the guide settings i get an error. Looking into the code it seems like this is the issue. Line 245 in init.py through 252. Line 251 is the issue.
if self.settings[“use_blade”]:
normal = self.blade_normal
axis_ref1 = “xz”
axis_ref2 = “x-z”
normal = self.normal
axis_ref1 = “x-yz”
axis_ref2 = “xy”
Changing the axis_ref1 to “x-y” lines up with the code in transform and everything seems to build correctly. Not sure if this is a known bug or if i’m missing something.

Hello @robinsjon Thanks for the heads up. :smiley:

I have fixed the typo here and will be included in the next release